Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hello Penguins!

First off, a big thanks to everyone for making the 4th Anniversary Party so awesome!! We know you love parties and there's definitely no shortage around here... because the Halloween Party's here and we can't wait to hear what you think. Night of the Living Sled 3 has debuted, members can explore a haunted house, and there's candy to find in the scavenger hunt!

lighthouse .jpg
In other news: You know the Offline Activities that you said you really missed? They're back and they're gonna stick around! This month it's all about Halloween. You can even learn how to carve a puffle pumpkin! New offline activities will launch every single month! Check it out in the Fun Activities section and make sure to let us know what you think - we'd love to hear your ideas.

Until then... Waddle on!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello Penguins!

Today's the day a lot of you have been waiting for!! Music Jam's finally here and we hope you're having fun exploring the island. Be sure to check out the underground areas, and try playing your instruments at the Lighthouse! Members can even pick up an All-Access Pass in the shop by the Snow Forts. (It'll get you into places where you might just run into some of your favorite music-making penguins...)

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In Other News: We know you'll be busy discovering the new stuff for the party, but don't forget to head to your igloo to see the new furniture catalog. There are a bunch of music-themed items to get you geared up to make some noise. Let us know how all your performances go!

Until then...Waddle on!
Hello Penguins!

You guys left a lot of comments in last week's Reviewed By You post about how cool it'll be to vote for another penguin color! We think it's great that you love to choose stuff (like the time you picked the new name for Ballistic Biscuit, the Penguin Play Awards, and the "You Decide" blogs), and we're excited to see which color you'll vote for.

Picture 5.png

The booth will be in the Forest starting this Friday until Tuesday, July 28!

In Other News: The Penguin Tales writing contest begins this Thursday. All the topics and details about how to submit your creative stories will be in this week's Club Penguin Times, so start thinking about what the topics might be! (Did someone say something about "Hiking Vikings?")

Until then...Waddle on!
Hello Penguins!

It's almost here! The Music Jam kicks off tomorrow and there were lots of cool answers to last week's question about how you guys are getting ready for it. Here's one we liked from Otter's Rule:

Me and my friends are all getting ready for the Music Jam Party already. We've got all of our instruments gathered up and have already started practicing! We have these rockin' cool outfits too. I think this Music Jam will be the biggest party on Club Penguin yet! We've also planned to meet the Penguin Band backstage. We can hardly wait for this rockin' cool party! Waddle On!

Thanks - Sounds like you're ready for the party!

The team's getting pretty excited around here because next Friday, July 24, you'll be able to go to a voting booth in the Forest and choose a BRAND NEW penguin color!! Here they are:

penguincolors.jpgSo - this week, we want to know which color you're thinking you might vote for... Do you like the Lavender, Maroon, or Aqua? And why?

Thanks for keep your responses between 50 - 75 words!

Until then...Waddle on!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Julia Werneck

Julia Werneck reply to this post.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello Penguins!
You guys are always finding really cool things to do all over the island and since some of you mentioned you'll be on holidays soon, we thought we could join you on your quests for fun, excitement, and creativity - and give you some ways to stay busy in Club Penguin...
Starting this Thursday, June 4, until the middle of September, every week you'll find a list of things to do in the Club Penguin Times! 101 Days of Fun means there will be something new to do, discover, and check off every single day! It all kicks off on Thursday, so we'll give you more details then.

We can't wait to see how much fun you can have exploring Club Penguin in interesting ways.... If you've got any ideas for things that penguins should do for fun, we want to hear them!!
Until then...Waddle on!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wig Challenge

Hello Penguins!

Talk about hair-raising madness all over the island - There have been so many awesome groups of penguins who are all wacky and wigged out! It was hard to choose. But our favorite group was probably this one:

Wig Party.jpg

We loved all the wig talk! If you didn't make it into this shot, we'll be doing more of these mini-challenges. What do you think?
Congratulations to everyone who wore wigs! Don't forget that the new Penguin Style will be out on Friday and some amazing costumes will be available to get you ready for the olde knightly adventures that await ye.

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Clothing Today (& Party Update)

Hello Penguins!

There's a new Penguin Style in the Gift Shop today, so check out the new garden-friendly fashions for your penguin! You'll be able to wear your new outdoor things when you and your friends start hunting for eggs next Friday during the annual Easter egg scavenger hunt!!


In Other News: Some of you have asked about keeping the Box Dimension room (the special room you get to through the Portal Box) around after the April Fool's Party. It's a great idea and we wanted to let you know we're going to leave it up for a while so you and your friends can enjoy it even after the party is over. Let us know what you think!

Until then...Waddle on!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hello Penguins! 

On Friday, you'll see some new things in the Snow and Sports catalog, and for those of you who know the ways of the Club Penguin ninja, the Martial Artworks catalog (in the Dojo Hideout) will also be updated! 


In other news: We'd love to know if you're enjoying the Penguin Play Awards - Let us know all the creative things that you and your friends are doing at the Stage!! 

Until then...Waddle on!